Updated 22 February 2021

Gallery of paintings and drawings by members of the Art Group on the theme of "transport"

Each week the Art Group has a designated topic usually based on a theme. The topic can be spanned over 2/3 weeks.

In January 2021 the topic was “Transport” and you can see from the exhibits the artists spread this genre to its limits starting with Jen Revill’s Starship Enterprise”.

Balloons in the Alps followed and then John Marsh painted his old 2CV truck.

We then moved to Cuba and Phil Hayes produced one of the old Havana taxis. If anybody has been in one they will know how they rattle along with the Russian engines.

Anni drew a bicycle and Peter Vaughan went sledging.

There were various boating experiences from Jenny and Denise and then we visited Railways olds and new.


Sandra had a vision of us all in a bubble until Wendy Barthram took us to Sri Lanka painting the Tuk Tuk that ferried her round.

My favourite this month was Peter’s sledge – really topical.

Richard Taylor

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